To my knowledge, my wife Sally had never cheated on me in 14 years of marriage. We have two great sons (12 and 10) and have always enjoyed a good sex life. Sally has blond hair and is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 140 lbs. She is attractive and keeps herself in good shape. Neither of us are heavy drinkers but occasionally we like to get hammered and it inevitably leads to great uninhibited sex. We always reserve at least one night on any vacation for a big night out. This particular incident occurred on an anniversary trip to Bermuda and has both haunted and aroused me ever since. I have never spoken to my wife about what happened and probably never will.

It all started at the airport on the trip over. We met a nice couple from Georgia (Mellie and Jim) who were also heading to Bermuda for a getaway. Jim was bigger than me standing about 6 feet 3 inches and was pretty well built at around 210 lbs. Mellie was cute and slightly overweight but with very nice boobs. They had already been drinking and we had a great time talking to them prior to boarding. We talked to them again after landing in Bermuda and said our farewells as we all took cabs to our resorts.

On out third day we ran into Mellie and Jim while shopping. Mellie was on crutches and had a big bandage on her foot from stepping on a piece of glass. Jim told us the story and as usual he had us in stitches with his southern humor. We all decided to go have a drink and by late afternoon we were all feeling pretty good. I could tell this was going to be a big drunk for Sallie and me and I knew that if I kept feeding her margaritas that this would be a great night of sex. Sallie and I like tequila and it invariably leads to incredible love making.

We invited Mellie and Jim to go to dinner with us at a restaurant at our resort and we said our goodbyes to go get showered before dinner. Sallie and I kept drinking as we got ready for dinner. She put on a short clingy dress that came to mid thigh. Underneath she wore a lacy bra and white silk panties that I was already imagining taking off of her later in the evening. We met Mellie and Jim at the restaurant and had dinner on the terrace overlooking the ocean. The drinks were flowing freely and all four of us were getting really drunk. I always know my wife is drunk when she demands to go dancing and sure enough Sallie suggested we hit the dance floor. We debated going to into town and finding a hopping bar but decided that would take too long. I suggested we go back to our room where we had our iPod dock and crank some dance tunes. Everyone agreed and off we went.

The room dancing was fun with Mellie hopping around on crutches and the four of us doing our best dirty dancing moves. I spent as much time dancing with Mellie as I did with Sallie and I must admit I was having a good time brushing up against her boobs. Mellie was absolutely wasted due to some painkillers she was taking for her foot. As I danced with her I had to pretty much hold her up which gave me great access to her hooters. I ordered several rounds of room service margaritas as the dancing continued. I could see that Sallie was incredibly drunk and she was showing all of her best dirty dancing moves. Jim was hilarious on the dance floor as well but he never missed a chance to put his hands on Sallie or grind into her. It seemed like harmless fun.

Our suite was one room but it was large. We had moved the furniture so we could dance and were obviously making too much noise. A resort employee was dispatched to our room to tell us to quiet down which suited me because I was ready for Jim and Mellie to leave so I could go after Sallie. Suddenly I looked up to see Mellie sitting in a chair completely asleep. I suggested we end it but Sallie was having the time of her life dancing and Jim was in no mood to leave with his passed out wife. While Jim and Sallie kept dancing I moved Mellie to the bed and elevated her foot. It was sensational as I literally had my hands all over and was inches from her thong as I rested her foot atop a pillow. Sallie and Jim were oblivious. I grabbed my drink and sat down beside Mellie on the bed to watch the dancing. I must have nodded off in my drunken stupor because the next thing I knew Jim was shaking me trying to wake me up.

I really wanted him to leave so I pretended to sleep. He turned to Sallie and said that I was passed out cold and to my surprise she called me a light weight and said that she always could handle her liquor better than me – a true statement. So here I was pretending to be asleep on the bed with the comatose wife of Jim lying beside me. Sallie came over and shook me and told me to get up and start dancing. I simply lay there with my eyes shut hoping Jim would get the message and leave. Unfortunately that was not what he had in mind.

Even as Sallie was trying to wake me Jim was behind her dirty dancing. I heard him tell her to keep on dancing and to my surprise she did. Jim was running his hands all over Sallie and she was not stopping him. I saw him try and kiss her but she laughingly pushed him away. He kept after her telling her to loosen up and have some fun and I was amazed that she was giggling and having fun with it. Mellie and I might as well have been in another room.

At one point Jim was behind my wife dancing and I could see that he was running his hands all over her tits and even brushing her crotch. Finally Sallie stopped him when he tried to pull her straps off her shoulders but she still was good natured about it. I saw Jim whisper something to her and to my disbelief; Sallie walked over to me and shook me. I did not move. She then went and turned down the music and turned off the lights and went back to Jim. They started dancing again but this time they were grinding into each other and Sallie had her head against Jim’s chest. I could not believe she was doing this but I could not make myself stop it.

Jim grabbed her hand and led her to a chair. He sat down with Sallie facing him and pulled her straps off her shoulders and pulled her bra down below her tits and began sucking her nipples. She offered token resistance but was not about to stop him. Sallie loves having her nipples licked and I could tell she was at the point of no return. Jim pulled her down so she was straddling him on the couch. I could not believe my wife was letting him do this. I could not see his right hand but I knew he was rubbing her pussy under her dress. Her hips were rocking and she was clutching his head to her chest. This went on for several minutes and I could hear her breathing over the music. Suddenly she stood up and knelt down in front of him. Sallie has always liked to suck cock and when she gets really horny she demands it. She went down on him and I watched as my beautiful wife was balling Jim. Jim pulled her up and turned her around. I saw him reach up under her dress and remove her panties. He then pulled her down on him and inserted his cock between her legs. She was on fire with her eyes closed and trembling with pleasure. Jim turned her around again and she faced him and again sat on his cock. Her dress was bunched around her waist and I watched with both arousal and horror as he reached around and gripped her ass and eventually shot his load inside her. She orgasmed with him as she always does when I shoot off inside her and she continued to buck for what seemed like minutes. Finally, she rolled off of him and lay down on the couch and shut her eyes.

Jim stood up and straightened himself up and went straight to Mellie. He picked her up and headed for the door. We never saw them again.

When I woke up that morning Sallie was asleep in the bed with me having showered at some point during the night. Sallie and I have never spoken about her having sex with Jim that night although I think she knows that I know something happened.

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